
Friday, January 6, 2017

2 months.

Dearest Nathan

It's been two months minus two hours and four minutes. It's been two months since the single worst night of my life and like the song says "Without you, I feel broke like I'm half of a whole without you, I've got no hand to hold. Without you, I feel torn like a sail in a storm, without you, I'm just a sad song, I'm just a sad song".

I don't think many know that in our time alone, we often played music together or rather you played and I sung, it was one of our greatest hobbies and connections and you were one of the few I enjoyed singing with and even occasionally playing piano.

Ironically this was one of both the first and last songs we did together.  In fact in the week before you died I was teaching myself to play it. I never got to show you.

We always said the song fit us. It did. It still does, but now it fits in a different way. A way I never imagined it would.

It's been two months minus two days and four minutes and I still miss you as much as I did the night this happened. Our kids miss you just as much.  Things haven't gotten better or worse really, just different.

We love you. We miss you. Forever.


(Written at 6pm)

In memory slide show

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